Teacher, Wood / Metal

Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2025 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the Internationella Engelska Skolan with the position of Teacher, Wood / Metal - Internationella Engelska Skolan which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information Teacher, Wood / Metal - Internationella Engelska Skolan below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D

Crafts are taught in half classes in a fully equipped craft room. At our school, the focus is on learning and a calm environment where both students and staff…...


Teacher, Wood / Metal , Ages 10 - 16

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Vacancy details

School Uppsala
Position Teacher
Subjects taught Wood / Metal
Ages 1016
Position starts 8 August 2024
Publish date 2 May 2024 17:00
Closes at 22 May 2024 16:59
Contract type Permanent with probation
Working hours Full time
Working language Swedish and English


Name Thomas Winquist
Phone 0701646418
Email thomas.winquist.uppsala@engelska.se

About this vacancy

Vill du arbeta i en internationell miljö med en tydlig pedagogisk policy? Vi söker en engagerad trä-metallslslöjd för årskurs 4-9 med undervisningserfarenhet i dessa årskurser. Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar vanliga läraruppgifter som planering, undervisning, betygsättning och uppföljning, samt mentorskap för 16 elever i en av de klasser du undervisar.

Förväntningarna inkluderar tillgänglighet för möten med vårdnadshavare, elever och kollegor samt aktivt bidragande till att upprätthålla IES värdegrund och vision. Tjänsten är på 100% och tillsvidare om man har svensk lärarlegitimation.

På vår skola är fokus på lärande och en lugn miljö där både elever och personal följer skolans rutiner och regler. En trevlig atmosfär och ett gott samarbetsklimat är nyckelord bakom vår framgång och utgör grunden för att skapa en röd tråd som vägleder och stöttar våra elever genom deras skolgång och hjälper dem att nå sina mål.

Som person förväntas du vara flexibel, en hängiven lagspelare med ett positivt förhållningssätt till ditt ämne. Kreativitet och viljan att göra det lilla extra för dina elever och kollegor är viktiga egenskaper. Du besitter verktygen för att skapa en gynnsam lärandemiljö där ditt tydliga ledarskap och din undervisningsstil är nycklar till dina elevers framgång. Du kan anpassa din undervisning för att nå olika elever och samarbeta med vårt elevhälsoteam och specialpedagoger för att inkludera elever med särskilda behov. Fortlöpande, tydlig feedback till elever och vårdnadshavare är en nödvändighet och en naturlig del av din undervisning där du delar information om framsteg och områden för utveckling och förbättring.

Undervisningsspråket för slöjd är svenska och/eller engelska, och god kunskap i engelska är en förutsättning då många i personalen är engelsktalande. Slöjd undervisas i halvklass i en fullt utrustad slöjdsal.

Tjänsten startar augusti 2024


Would you like to work in an international environment with a clear pedagogical policy? We are looking for a dedicated wood and metalwork teacher for grades 4-9 with teaching experience in these grade levels. The responsibilities include typical teacher tasks such as planning, teaching, grading, and follow-up, as well as mentoring 16 students in one of the classes you teach.

Expectations include availability for meetings with guardians, students, and colleagues, as well as active contribution to maintaining IESs core values and vision. The position is full-time and permanent for those with Swedish teaching credentials.

At our school, the focus is on learning and a calm environment where both students and staff follow the schools routines and rules. A pleasant atmosphere and a good working climate are keywords behind our success and form the basis for creating a common thread that guides and supports our students through their schooling and helps them achieve their goals.

As a person, you are expected to be flexible, a dedicated team player with a positive attitude towards your subject. Creativity and the willingness to go the extra mile for your students and colleagues are important qualities. You possess the tools to create a conducive learning environment where your clear leadership and teaching style are keys to your students success. You can adapt your teaching to reach different students and collaborate with our student welfare team and special educators to include students with special needs. Ongoing, clear feedback to students and guardians is a necessity and a natural part of your teaching where you share information about progress and areas for development and improvement.

The language of instruction for crafts is Swedish and/or English, and proficiency in English is a requirement as many staff members are English speakers. Crafts are taught in half classes in a fully equipped craft room.

The position starts August 2024

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Swedens largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

Information :

  • Company : Internationella Engelska Skolan
  • Position : Teacher, Wood / Metal
  • Location : Uppsala
  • Country : SE

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the Teacher, Wood / Metal job info - Internationella Engelska Skolan Uppsala above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies Teacher, Wood / Metal job info - Internationella Engelska Skolan Uppsala in 14-05-2024 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us: support@jobkos.com

Post Date : 14-05-2024